Home > Time Dissemination Service > Time Dissemination by Telephone(TEL-JJY) > Example for Operation

Time Dissemination Service

Time Dissemination by Telephone(TEL-JJY)

Example for Operation

    _ means a space, CR means the carriage return key, and the underlined characters mean the input command. All of the characters are expressed by ASCII. You must input the ID and the password in capitals in ASCII characters. As for the command input, either capital or small letter is acceptable. The command showing below is only some examples, the other commands are shown in the "4.1: The kind of commands".

    First you should dial the telephone number and connected to the network; When "Name ?" appears in the display, you succeed to access the network. (If "Name ?" does not appeared, please push CR key.)



Login message: <- Login message is the information from us to the users. This message is sent by using Chinese characters, so if your system is not acceptable them, you cannot get the right message.

172500          <- In this point, the present time(JST) is expressed for 3 seconds.

17:25:10         <- In this point, the present time(JST) is expressed until CR is inputted.

08:25:21         <- In this point, the present time(UTC) is expressed until CR is inputted.


>BYE CR   <- If connecting is in order, please terminate by "BYE" or "END" command. Good Bye

Logoff message     <- Message may be changed suitably. No words is also no problem.